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free shipping carrier

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Good day, I have a doubt.
I set the shipping of freight, with Weight Ranger, but I need to put the free shipping over $ 99.90 only one carrier (the store has 5 carriers)

a friend did it in the first part ordes_carrier.tpl

I replaced the line 74

(If $) carrier.price


(If $ carrier.price AND $ cart-> getOrderTotal (true, 4) <= '99 .90 ')

but it works on all carriers. how do I work on just one?


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did not work, I just need to improve the code below with the necessary corrections;

(If carrier.price $ AND $ cart-> getOrderTotal (true, 4) <= '99 .90 ')

* Run only one carrier
* The free shipping over $ 99.90 (already)
* Only show the carrier when the value of spending $ 99.90, otherwise it does not appear.


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Try the following:

{if $carrier.price AND ($carrier.id != 1 OR ($carrier.id == 1 AND $cart->getOrderTotal(true, 4) <= '99.90'))}

Change both carrier IDs from 1 to the ID of the carrier that should have free shipping above 99.90.

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friend, firstly thanks for helping me.
I put the code as follows

at line 74 of the order-carrier.tpl
{If $ carrier.price AND ($ carrier.id! OR = 41127 ($ 41127 AND $ carrier.id == card-> getOrderTotal (true, 4) <= '99.90 '))}

did not work, the carrier appears. I signed up a 0lbs Weight ranges up to 100kg with the value zero. but the carrier is appearing even when the value is below 99.90, in case it can only appear when the value is greater than 99.90

thanks again

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