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Opinions needed for settings up a car parts shop

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ok so I'm setting up a site for an autoparts performance shop. So what I need to be able to is sort product by vehicle info and then product type.



choose: - 2000-2009
(select 2005)
- choose: - Acura, Honda, Ford
(select Honda)
- choose: - S2000, Accord, Prelude
(select S2000)

- choose: - Intake, Exhaust, Engine, Suspension
(select Intake)

----- now show list of all intakes listed for a 2005 Honda S2000 -------

Now two things, this is JUST an example, and the type of product can be narrowed before the vehicle, but it makes more sense to narrow the car before the product.

Attributes I believe will do this, but not sure if it'll do it the way I want. Let me know the best way you think this will work

And thanks everybody for the help, past, present and future. HA!

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You could use categories instead, then use my AJAX Dropdown Categories module to present the categories in dropdowns like that. Just put 2000, 2001, etc as the first-level categories, then Acura, Honda, Ford as subcategories, then S2000 as sub-subcategory, etc. You then just need to tick all the categories that apply when creating the product.

Another person is also using my AJAX Sliding Categories module to present their car parts as you can see here. You could present the categories either of these two ways. The only potential problem I can think of is that PrestaShop doesn't support importing categories with the same name, so you may need to create the categories manually, then use the category ID instead of category name when importing products. Would that be a problem for you?

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Hello PrestaShop Fanatic,

I want an module: advance search from prestashop 1.4.82 to be like this:

Title (this is text)

Mark (selector)

Model (selector)

Year (selector)

Like yours http://www.hamar.cz/en/


How much it cost to make it for me?


Or some advance search but i can add many stuff for search later. I don't want filter for atributt.


I need this module urgently.

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