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Change random preview images


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What did you mean "the catalog the preview images". Product images in 1.7? 

Yes, it's possible with some amount custom work. Prestashop loads images assigned to the default combination, technically it's possible to show images randomly among them. I suggest you hire someone to do that.

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You simply add this setting on module "featured products on homeage" to " Randomly display featured products  = YES".

Furthermore you also need to disable the option "cache" on the settings of tab "advanced parameters -> performance -> smarty -> Cache = NO.

Images of product combinations are not showing as random. The only products which are shown on index page are the one of the modules homefeatured, new products and bestsellers. If you mean another localization, than please describe it better where or add a screen of it.

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PS: if you want to change the preview of the standard combination, so you need to configure this on product site of your back-office. On product you have the possibility to add a standard combination. Choose another, if you want to have another standard.  Go on tab "combinations" choose there one which should be standard and click the down chevron on "edit". Choose *default. This will set a new standard combination.

Random show of product combinations is not a native fetaure. In this case you need to search for paid solution

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19 ore fa, selectshop.at dice:

Random show of product combinations is not a native fetaure. In this case you need to search for paid solution


I would really need this, if someone can recommend me some form or an offer in private.

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