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PS Can't configure newsletter_conf


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i'm trying to personalize the confirmation email that ps is sending to you when you subscribe to the site's newsletter, but after some updates the email that has sent to me is the same as the previous. I've modified the html version and the txt version, but nothing...

Under newsletter_conf it's written "No objects were found for newsletter_conf in the database". Is this maybe the problem?

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On 4/3/2018 at 12:25 PM, tantan199 said:

Please ensure whether there is newsletter_conf.html file in \modules\ps_emailsubscription\mails\en folder, if you are using other languages, such as fr or es, it is the same.

Yes i've both newsletter_conf.html and newsletter_conf.txt under modules/ps_emailsubscription/mails/it and they're configured correctly as they should be. But the error "No objects were found for newsletter_conf in the database" remains.

Edited by Spado (see edit history)
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