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Paypal payment. Orderstatus stays on "Backorder" after payment with paypal.

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When a customer pays with Paypal. The order status stays on 'backorder'
When I take a look at the specific order, I see that the status is changed from 'payment accepted' to 'on backorder'.

I think that Paypal sends the payment accepted notice earlier than that PS is setting the order to 'on backorder'.
So I have to manually edit the order to 'payment accepted' again.

It's not a problem with the items Out of Stock. Payments with Direct Bank Transfers are fine.

Does anybody encountered this problem?

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  • 6 months later...

I was getting that too. Since I had imported my products, they all had their quantity set to 0. This shouldn't have mattered because Stock Management is disabled. However, in classes/PaymentModule.php, the bit of code below erroneously flags this case as a backorder since Product::updateQuantity returns true when Stock Management is disabled.

if (Product::updateQuantity($product, (int)$order->id))
   $product['stock_quantity'] -= $product['cart_quantity'];

if ($product['stock_quantity'] < 0)
   $outOfStock = true;

I resolved the situation by running the following query in phpMyAdmin

UPDATE ps_product SET quantity = 1

Actually, I used 5, just in case, but updateQuantity doesn't decrement it when Stock Management is disabled, so setting it to 1 as above should suffice.

Hope that helps.

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  • 1 month later...

I have stock management disabled and all my quantities are 1 or greater when I look in the database.

I still am getting 'stock is on backorder' email messages sent to my customers....

Any ideas what setting I'm missing???


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