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PrestaShop Landing Pages

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Hi, to all,

I'm trying to create off site domains with landing pages. My point is:

1 - Create some single page domains just with header and footer of my prestashop store, in content i want to put products that i've inserted between dates, ex.: from March to December, products added between this months appear in this domain. I know it can be made using rssLib or similar scripts to print last products but, how to print products inserted between dates? and how to integrate this single pages with header and footer of my prestashop store?

2 - I want to keep my store design in this domains.

And now, an off topic question: Integrating other scripts in PrestaShop, like FAQ script. I have one that need a Top and Footer php pages and it made the necessary changes itself. But, i've one problem, when i give to FAQ script the address of header and footer, it ask me to install the faq script again.

Is there any way to duplicate header and footer without checking installation?

Hope you can help me doing this...



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  • 5 months later...

Have you found a solution? I am also trying to do the same thing as I am just about to start advertising in National Press so need a landing page for the customer to only land on the page selling this product but then have access to the rest of the website is they chose to have a look.


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Zanox you can anticipate the next trend, you can have a big competitive advantage over internet.Prestashop an e-vehicle administration system that supports on-line stores charge getaways commerce purchases. Line on the use of even some of the largest retail outlets this device to your website.

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