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Cannot turn off "Smart cache for CSS" in PS1.7.3

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Dear Team

I had installed fresh PS1.7.3 with some installed modules on CENTOS7 LINUX but don't know why I cannot turn off the Smart cache for CSS in Advanced Parameters > Performance. I tried many times turn off and save but it still showing YES in Smart cache for CSS, and front end still running cache for CSS file.

I also try to clear cache, disable non Prestashop modules and Disable all overrides but still cannot turn off the Smart cache for CSS.


As I need to trouble shot some css files, so I need to turn it off to get the exactly file name and coding line. 




Edited by Joey (see edit history)
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I just tried to fresh install a new ps 1.7.3 and check the default smart cache for css is turned off and normal, but after I turn it on and then turn it off again, it cannot turn off anymore after first times turned on! I have not install any modules but also got the same problem 

I’m using traditional Chinese and English for our eshop

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I just tried update the PS_CSS_THEME_CACHE in PS_CONFIGURATION using MYSQL and it can work. MY table only contain 1 row for this without duplication.

then I can see the setting in OFF in BO and I can switch it ON in BO too, after that, I cannot turn it OFF again in BO, Now the only way to turn it off is using SQL to manually update it.

Summary for my case:

Turn OFF in BO: Failure

Turn ON in BO: Success

Turn OFF and ON using SQL: Success





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On 3/27/2018 at 7:53 PM, Joey said:

I just tried update the PS_CSS_THEME_CACHE in PS_CONFIGURATION using MYSQL and it can work. MY table only contain 1 row for this without duplication.

then I can see the setting in OFF in BO and I can switch it ON in BO too, after that, I cannot turn it OFF again in BO, Now the only way to turn it off is using SQL to manually update it.

Summary for my case:

Turn OFF in BO: Failure

Turn ON in BO: Success

Turn OFF and ON using SQL: Success






I searched forge for related issue but none I could find.  Also I am unable to recreate it in our 1.7.3 lab.

try enable ps debug and see if any php warn/error and check via  chrome console for an errors.

if you have not done so already please create account and add forge issue here http://forge.prestashop.com


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  • 3 weeks later...

Same issue on a fresh install. Under CCC in admin:

- PS_CSS_THEME_CACHE and PS_JS_THEME_CACHE updates to value 1, but does not update "back" to value NULL


Database is ok, Name is unique. 



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