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Header - how to add text

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on my site sentientcom.co.uk, I would like to add text to the header in the big white space between the SentientCom logo on the left and the Contact Details on the right.

I thought it would be in header.tpl but I can't see where I would put it. The contact details are in the blocksearch-header.tpl but that's no good to me either.

Any ideas anyone?

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You have got the right file. You do need to add the content to "header.tpl" which is in your themes directory.

It will take some trial and error to get it in the right place, you will have to put your text in a new div and use floats to get it to apper correctly.

If you put your new div inside the div id "header" after {$HOOK_TOP} Give it a try and let me know how you get on.

Hope this helps :)

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Thanks for that. I've managed to get some text on there now, and got it fairly central, but I need it higher up the page, as it doesn't display correctly on IE, or on Firefox on category pages.

I have worked out how to move it to the left or to the right, but how do I move it higher?!

Thanks again.

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The main issue was in IE, but in Firefox it was overlapping with some of the text lower down. I've tried what you suggested, and it's worked, so I'll have a play around with it to get it exactly right. I obviously need to learn some basic CSS.

Thanks a lot for your help, much appreciated.

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Thats ok no problem :)

If you cant get it right accross all browsers with the single styles sheet then you can add conditional stylessheets. These basically see which browser the user has got and loads the appropriate stylessheet. I only use it for IE 7 and IE 6 really. That way you can have firefox with the margin set at


IE7 set at


and IE6 set at something different. Its simpler than it sounds ;-) and it will look perfect accross all the popular browsers.

Let me know if u think u need those and i can point u in the right direction :)

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Thanks again.

What I think I'd like to do is add a banner in that space - this should mean that I just need to alter the text etc each time I need to change it, and can use it for special offers etc.

Would I need to paste the banner into the stylesheet?

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You will need to add the css into the same div that you added the "margin-top" css in earlier.

Have you got your site running locally on your machine or on the web? If its on the web you will need to upload the image via FTP to your image folder for your theme. Then you can reference it from there. It wont work if its just on your desktop.

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