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How to fix the birthday present module

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Hi, ive seen alot of problems with the birthdaypresent module.
Im going to try to explain the problems i had and the solutions
don't forget in the mail folder to have your language folder for the emails , in lats resort for testing just copy the english or french folder and make a new one for your language in my case i copy the en folder and created a pt (portugal) with the files from the en.

1- the cron jobs

the most easy way its just to goto your cpanel and the cron job its quite easy to configure

fetch -q http://*yourdomain*/*shopfolder*/modules/birthdaypresent/*thescript*

please take notice that the words with ** are suppose to be change by your info

this example runs in quite mode.

2- Scripts and solutions

the easy part is done now ill try to explain the changes ive done.

i was having errors the first for the testing and i was force to create a new user everytime i made a test so i made this change to always be able to run the cron with successes several times without creating new users.

line 9 :

if (Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_DATE_UPD') == date('Y-m-d'))


if (Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_DATE_UPD') > date('Y-m-d'))

Ive replace the == for the > so that during this day i can make the tests i want to users with todays birthday, this should be changed after all tests are done

after this i was having another problem: the mail and the vouchers only appeared for one client , for what i could read in the code this append because it was only providing the vouchers to clients with orders, so i made a change in the birthdaypresent.php

line 97


$users = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
       SELECT DISTINCT c.id_customer, firstname, lastname, email
       FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer c
       LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders o ON c.id_customer = o.id_customer
       WHERE o.valid = 1
       AND c.birthday LIKE \'%'.date('-m-d').'\'');


$users = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
       SELECT DISTINCT c.id_customer, firstname, lastname, email
       FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer c
       WHERE c.birthday LIKE \'%'.date('-m-d').'\'');

i forced the database to get all users with the birthday today.

YOUR DONE !!!!!!!!!!!

3- other configurations

line:109 birthdaypresent.php
$voucher->name = 'birthday';// here you can change the vouchername
line:110 birthdaypresent.php
$voucher->description[Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')] = $this->l('Your birthday present !'); // here you can change the message

line:117 birthdaypresent.php
$voucher->date_to = (date('Y') + 1).date('-m-d'); // here you can set the time value for the vocher

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Try changing the code from:

$users = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
       SELECT DISTINCT c.id_customer, firstname, lastname, email
       FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer c
       WHERE c.birthday LIKE \'%'.date('-m-d').'\''); 


$users = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
       SELECT DISTINCT c.id_customer, firstname, lastname, email
       FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer c
       WHERE c.birthday LIKE \'%'.date('-m-d').'\' AND c.`active` = 1'); 

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 9 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Anybody figured it out how to cope with this "one customer problem" ? Normally nobody get the voucher on my site. After i had changed as Francisco wrote to



$users = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
	SELECT DISTINCT c.id_customer, firstname, lastname, email
	FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer c
	WHERE c.birthday LIKE \'%'.date('-m-d').'\'');


only one customer get the message. I am looking forward for the solution but it looks like nobody found it.

Edited by abadu.plk (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone figured out any of the cron executed modules?

My crons run and all say ok but I do not get a birthday email and voucher has been created.

My follow-up module doesn't work either.


Is it a problems with my server? My permissions? Does anyone know?


Let me know if you need me to attach any files or links.




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  • 2 months later...

Same problem here. Cron rule for Customer Follow Up module and Birthday Present work correctly, only thing is that despite different account on the same birthday, it will only send one email out to one customer only on the same birthday.


they are able to receive vouchers but not email.


Im using version 1.4.9


Anyone can help?

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  • 10 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...


Thank you for the prompt reply sebasienserre, I'm actually using PS 1.5.6 but I thought it would be the same as 1.5.5. Apparently there are changes in the way coupons are treated. I cleaned the cache and installed your commandeered module on my 1.5.6 but it still doesn't show "fixed amount" or "percent". Just as before. If you have any other suggestion, you're welcome. Thank you once again. :)

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I'm glad for you :)
But tell me if I'm wrong. In the screenshot you sent lately I see you have not chosen "fixed amount" or "percent" type. When you can not select non of the types, is it working as "fixed amount" or "percent"?

Thank you :)

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  • 3 months later...
Code change to show Type option in birthdaypresent Module
Inside your birthdaypresent module create folder override/classess and then create file Discount.php
write code 
class Discount extends DiscountCore
public static function getDiscountTypes($id_lang)
                    1 =>array('id_discount_type'=>'1','name'=>'Discount on order (%)'),
                    2 =>array('id_discount_type'=>'2','name'=>'Discount on order (amount)'),
                    3 =>array('id_discount_type'=>'3','name'=>'Free shiping')                        
                return $x;


Step 2- uninstall module and then reinstall


Note if still not working then please remove/delete file cache/class_index.php and uninstall and install module it will work 
and Type option will be visible

overAll mean to say override the class Discount since in version  1.5+ getDiscountTypes function not present 


Second Method



$discountTypes = Discount::getDiscountTypes((int)($cookie->id_lang)); 

with the 

$discountTypes = array(
                    1 =>array('id_discount_type'=>'1','name'=>'Discount on order (%)'),
                    2 =>array('id_discount_type'=>'2','name'=>'Discount on order (amount)'),
                    3 =>array('id_discount_type'=>'3','name'=>'Free shiping')                        




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  • 2 weeks later...

I did follow your manuals, but I can't select amount or %.


Another problem  is that modul did not send any email to customer, but voucher code is created. What do I have to do, that modul will also send email?



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  • 3 weeks later...
				<div class="margin-form">
					<select name="id_discount_type">';
		//$discountTypes = Discount::getDiscountTypes((int)($cookie->id_lang));
    $discountTypes = array(
                    1 =>array('id_discount_type'=>'1','name'=>'Discount on order (%)'),
                    2 =>array('id_discount_type'=>'2','name'=>'Discount on order (amount)'),
                    3 =>array('id_discount_type'=>'3','name'=>'Free shiping')                        
		foreach ($discountTypes AS $discountType)
			$this->_html .= '<option value="'.(int)($discountType['id_discount_type']).'"'.((Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_DISCOUNT_TYPE') == $discountType['id_discount_type']) ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$discountType['name'].'</option>';

		$this->_html .= '

....Helped me edit the file birthdaypresent.php line 74


1 / not set a minimum price for the order :-(


This line causes fatal error:

//$discountTypes = Discount::getDiscountTypes((int)($cookie->id_lang));
Edited by Blassen (see edit history)
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* 2007-2012 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
*  @edit by Albert Maska http://dragonshop.eu <[email protected]> Czech Republic
*  @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
*  @copyright  2007-2012 PrestaShop SA
*  @version  Release: $Revision: 15821 $
*  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php  Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA

if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))

class BirthdayPresent extends Module
	private $_html = '';

	function __construct()
		$this->name = 'birthdaypresent';
		$this->tab = 'pricing_promotion';
		$this->version = 1.1;
		$this->author = 'PrestaShop';
		$this->need_instance = 0;
		$this->displayName = $this->l('Birthday Present');
		$this->description = $this->l('Offer your clients birthday presents automatically');

	public function getContent()
		global $cookie, $currentIndex;
		if (Tools::isSubmit('submitBirthday'))
			Configuration::updateValue('BIRTHDAY_ACTIVE', intval(Tools::getValue('bp_active')));
			Configuration::updateValue('BIRTHDAY_DISCOUNT_TYPE', intval(Tools::getValue('id_discount_type')));
			Configuration::updateValue('BIRTHDAY_DISCOUNT_VALUE', floatval(Tools::getValue('discount_value')));
			Configuration::updateValue('BIRTHDAY_MINIMAL_ORDER', floatval(Tools::getValue('minimal_order')));
		$this->_html = '
		<fieldset class="width3"><legend><img src="../modules/'.$this->name.'/logo.gif" /> '.$this->displayName.'</legend>
			<p>'.$this->l('Create a voucher for customers celebrating their birthday and having at least one valid order').'</p>
			<form action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" method="post" style="margin-top: 15px;">
				<div class="margin-form">
					<img src="../img/admin/enabled.gif" /> <input type="radio" name="bp_active" value="1"'.(Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_ACTIVE') ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />
					<img src="../img/admin/disabled.gif" /> <input type="radio" name="bp_active" value="0"'.(!Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_ACTIVE') ? ' checked="checked"' : '').' />
					<p style="clear: both;">'.$this->l('Additionnaly, you have to set a CRON rule which calls the file').'<br />http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/birthdaypresent/cron.php '.$this->l('everyday').'</p>
				<div class="margin-form">
					<select name="id_discount_type">';
//		$discountTypes = Discount::getDiscountTypes(intval($cookie->id_lang));
      $discountTypes = array(
                    1 =>array('id_discount_type'=>'1','name'=>'procenta'),
                    2 =>array('id_discount_type'=>'2','name'=>'cena'),
                    3 =>array('id_discount_type'=>'3','name'=>'doprava zdarma')                        

		foreach ($discountTypes AS $discountType)
			$this->_html .= '<option value="'.intval($discountType['id_discount_type']).'"'.((Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_DISCOUNT_TYPE') == $discountType['id_discount_type']) ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$discountType['name'].'</option>';
		$this->_html .= '
				<div class="margin-form">
					<input type="text" size="15" name="discount_value" value="'.Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_DISCOUNT_VALUE').'" onKeyUp="javascript:this.value = this.value.replace(/,/g, \'.\'); " />
					<p style="clear: both;">'.$this->l('Either the monetary amount or the %, depending on Type selected above').'</p>
				<label>'.$this->l('Minimal order').'</label>
				<div class="margin-form">
					<input type="text" size="15" name="minimal_order" value="'.Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_MINIMAL_ORDER').'" onKeyUp="javascript:this.value = this.value.replace(/,/g, \'.\'); " />
					<p style="clear: both;">'.$this->l('The minimal order amount needed to use the voucher').'</p>
				<div class="clear center">
					<input type="submit" value="'.$this->l('   Save   ').'" name="submitBirthday" class="button" />
				<div class="small"><sup>*</sup> '.$this->l('Required field').'</div>
		</fieldset><br />
		<fieldset class="width3"><legend><img src="../modules/'.$this->name.'/comment.gif" /> '.$this->l('Guide').'</legend>
			<h2>'.$this->l('Develop clients\' loyalty').'</h2>
			<p>'.$this->l('Offering a present to a client is a means of securing its loyalty.').'</p>
			<h3>'.$this->l('What should you do?').'</h3>
				'.$this->l('Keeping a client is more profitable than capturing a new one. Thus, it is necessary to develop its loyalty, in other words to make him come back in your webshop.').' <br />
				'.$this->l('Word of mouth is also a means to get new satisfied clients; a dissatisfied one won\'t attract new clients.').'<br />
				'.$this->l('In order to achieve this goal you can organize: ').'
					<li>'.$this->l('Punctual operations: commercial rewards (personalized special offers, product or service offered), non commercial rewards (priority handling of an order or a product), pecuniary rewards (bonds, discount coupons, payback...).').'</li>
					<li>'.$this->l('Sustainable operations: loyalty or points cards, which not only justify communication between merchant and client, but also offer advantages to clients (private offers, discounts).').'</li>
				'.$this->l('These operations encourage clients to buy and also to come back in your webshop regularly.').' <br />
		return $this->_html;
	public function createTodaysVouchers()
		$users = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
		SELECT DISTINCT c.id_customer, firstname, lastname, email
		FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer c
		WHERE c.birthday LIKE \'%'.date('-m-d').'\'');

		foreach ($users as $user)
			$voucher = new Discount();
			$voucher->id_customer = intval($user['id_customer']);
			$voucher->id_discount_type = intval(Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_DISCOUNT_TYPE'));
//			$voucher->name = 'Narozeninový voucher'.intval($voucher->id_customer).'-'.date('Y');
//			$voucher->description[intval(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'))] = $this->l('Dárkový voucher k Vašim narozeninám!');
			$voucher->value = Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_DISCOUNT_VALUE');
			$voucher->quantity = 1;
			$voucher->quantity_per_user = 1;
			$voucher->highlight = 1; // zvýraznění
			$voucher->partial_use = 0; // částečné použití
			$voucher->cumulable = 0;
			$voucher->cumulable_reduction = 0;
			$voucher->date_from = date('Y-m-d');
			$voucher->date_to = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime('+1 month')); // platnost 1 měsíc
			$voucher->minimal = Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_MINIMAL_ORDER');
			$voucher->active = true; // stav aktivní on-off
		$languages = Language::getLanguages(true);
		foreach ($languages AS $language)
			$voucher->name[(int)$language['id_lang']] = $this->l('Your birthday present !');
		$code = 'BIRTHDAY-'.(int)($voucher->id_customer).'-'.date('Y');
		$voucher->code = $code;
		$voucher->description = 'Narozeninovy voucher: '.$code;
//		$voucher->active = 1;			
    $type = $voucher->id_discount_type = intval(Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_DISCOUNT_TYPE'));

			if ($type == 1) {
    $value = 'SLEVU '.$voucher->value = Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_DISCOUNT_VALUE');
    $types = 'procent';
      elseif  ($type == 2) {
    $value = 'SLEVU '.$voucher->value = Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_DISCOUNT_VALUE');
    $types = 'Korun';
    $for_minimal_order = 'pro objednavku nad '.$voucher->minimal = Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_MINIMAL_ORDER').' Korun';
      elseif  ($type == 3) {
    $types = 'DOPRAVU ZDARMA';
    $for_minimal_order = 'pro objednavku nad '.$voucher->minimal = Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_MINIMAL_ORDER').' Korun';
      else {
    $types = '';
    $minimum = $voucher->minimal = Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_MINIMAL_ORDER');
    $predmet = $this->l('Your birthday present !');
			if ($voucher->add())
				Mail::Send((int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'), 'birthday', Mail::l($predmet, (int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')), array('{firstname}' => $user['firstname'], '{lastname}' => $user['lastname'], '{code}' => $code, '{bert_value}' => $value, '{bert_type}' => $types, '{bert_for_minimal_order}' => $for_minimal_order), $user['email'], NULL, strval(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_EMAIL')), strval(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME')), NULL, NULL, dirname(__FILE__).'/mails/');
				echo Db::getInstance()->getMsgError();


and edit /mails/ (sorry olny Czech)

Dobrý den, p. {firstname},

{shop_name} Vám chce popřát vše nejlepší k narozeninám a připravil pro Vás malý dárek.
Připravili jsme pro Vás malé překvapení... {bert_value} {bert_type} {bert_for_minimal_order}

Přihlaste se prosím do Vašeho zákaznického účtu v našem obchodě a převezměte si kupón se slevou.

Kód slevového kupónu: {code}  můžete využít v nákupním košíku
Uvedený kód stačí vložit do vyhrazeného pole v nákupním košíku.

{shop_url} Powered by PrestaShop™

{firstname} user name

{shop_name} eshop name

{bert_value} value discounts (NEW)

{bert_type} type of discount (price, percent, ...)(NEW)

{bert_for_minimal_order} price minimum order(NEW)

{code} Discount code (voucher)(NEW)

{shop_url} shop url :-)


(I would like to use variables in the language, but it was not me)
in English by a piece of code in birthdaypresent.php could look like this:

		$voucher->description = 'birthday voucher: '.$code;
//		$voucher->active = 1;			
    $type = $voucher->id_discount_type = intval(Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_DISCOUNT_TYPE'));

			if ($type == 1) {
    $value = 'SALE '.$voucher->value = Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_DISCOUNT_VALUE');
    $types = 'percent';
      elseif  ($type == 2) {
    $value = 'SALE '.$voucher->value = Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_DISCOUNT_VALUE');
    $types = 'Euro';
    $for_minimal_order = 'for minimum order '.$voucher->minimal = Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_MINIMAL_ORDER').' Euro';
      elseif  ($type == 3) {
    $types = 'FREE SHIPPING';
    $for_minimal_order = 'for minimum order '.$voucher->minimal = Configuration::get('BIRTHDAY_MINIMAL_ORDER').' Euro';
      else {
    $types = '';

Make improvements to email me at cert.bert @ volny.cz
I'd love to learn something new. This is what I did for my needs, so I'm fine.

Thank you and good luck. Me, the version is: 1.5.5. = I have not tested other !!

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en.php unprofessional to translate it:


global $_MODULE;
$_MODULE = array();
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_c2796655c25e1b0b8582716036aece08'] = 'Birthday Surprise';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_d1f5899bf2af57ed816390d9d740daf6'] = 'READ birthday gifts to your customers automatically';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_ccfcf858237a83953c1ac03b5abde35e'] = 'Create a voucher for customers celebrating birthdays and having at least one valid order';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_4d3d769b812b6faa6b76e1a8abaece2d'] = 'Enable';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_52292d2f9c39936bc72fbd47a3060df3'] = 'CRON Additionally, you must set a rule that will trigger file';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_f7e78e04cba74c610354e91e622cc105'] = 'every day';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_a1fa27779242b4902f7ae3bdd5c6d508'] = 'Kind discounts';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_689202409e48743b914713f96d93947c'] = 'value discounts';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_998d08a9606f9656e8d1fcab8b762155'] = 'The amount or percentage difference depending on your previous choice.';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_1f0084a1581c05622120bd827305f173'] = 'Minimum Order';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_783d0f2960c7c628177f740ce38ec3e7'] = 'The minimum order for the option to use the coupon';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_38fb7d24e0d60a048f540ecb18e13376'] = 'Save';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_19f823c6453c2b1ffd09cb715214813d'] = 'required by';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_6602bbeb2956c035fb4cb5e844a4861b'] = 'Wizard';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_cb21e843b037359d0fb5b793fccf964f'] = 'Developing customer loyalty';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_d725bab433ae44aee759eb82a24b09de'] = 'Offer a gift to clients is a good way of keeping loayality .';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_0dc42f38b35e45090e1a1c94755c2d43'] = 'What should you do ?';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_83e2cc1dd0205949c98f041a939b1e6a'] = 'client management is more profitable than acquiring a new one. Therefore, it is essential that loyal , in other words, to make them want to come back to your store .';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_0c2ccbf300070c80e642a4924e4468cb'] = 'Word of mouth is also a good way to get new customers satisfied as dissatisfied customer will not attract new ones.';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_40436d8f0cc9466c7b6c8304e156b427'] = 'There are many ways to do this:';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_517d5d94073a17a4191f1a7e5eea9347'] = 'casual business business rewards (personal special offers , products or services offered) that are not commercial rewards (handling priority order or product) , cash rewards (bonds , discount Coupons , return ... ) .';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_f299b58558601a85c98a2d1d7867d523'] = 'Offer customers also personal discounts or coupons that will justify your customer communication.';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_8bea4d59aac565a6e581c77848943497'] = 'These operations encourage customers to buy and to return to your online business on a regular basis .';
$_MODULE['<{birthdaypresent}prestashop>birthdaypresent_d46bd07675d08116e85f8a4c7866de53'] = 'Your birthday present !';


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
            <displayName><![CDATA[Birthday Surprise]]></displayName>
            <description><![CDATA[READ birthday gifts to your customers automatically]]></description>
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