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One product (page) or multiple ?


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I'm very new to SEO so apologies if this is an obvious question but it's been confusing me for a while.

We have a shop selling products that sit in multiple categories e.g.

Product = LC900B (Black LC900 ink cartridge).

and it exists in multiple categories on our shop i.e.

Home>Ink Cartridges>Canon>MFC9403>LC900B, (MFC9403 is the printer name that the cartridge goes in)
Home>Ink Cartridges>Canon>MFC4803>LC900B, (cartridge fits in multiple printers)
Home>Ink Cartridges>Canon>MFC9435>LC900B, (cartridge fits in multiple printers)
Home>Ink Cartridges>Canon>Cartridges by Code>LC900B

etc. (a cartridge can fit up to 70 or so printers).

My question is, should I create multiple products (and therefore multiple landing pages), e.g.

a separate product - 'Canon MFC9403 Black LC900 ink cartridge'
a separate product - 'Canon MFC4803 Black LC900 ink cartridge'
a separate product - 'Canon MFC9435 Black LC900 ink cartridge'
a separate product - 'Canon Black LC900 ink cartridge'

Where each one would have the category keywords in the title (and therefore in the H1, H2 etc.)

or, should I create one product - 'Black LC900B ink Cartridge' and link it to multiple categories?

Another thing to note is that if we do it the second way we would only have approx. 200 products in our store, sitemap, amazon, etc. whereas if we did id the first way we would have 3,500 (because of the multiple landing pages).

Thanks in anticipation

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It will be god to use one product on one page instead of using one product to many pages. Many pages doesn't mean that you are going to get higher ranking. If someone wants to link to one of your products, then someone else wants to do the same thing you would do better to those related to the same page.

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If you used the first option and duplicated the products, you could possibly be penalised by google by duplicate content. The way round this would be to create different descriptions and meta titles, keywords and description to prevent this.

You have to think about what is practicle aswell as the seo view. If one of your products went out of stock with the second option you just need to change one product, but with the first option you would need to go through each product and alter the onhand stock value, and when the product came back into stock you would then have to go back and add them all back to stock.

Personally i would go for the second option and set the default category as the cartridge by code maybe.

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