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[SOLVED]How do you add Size Chart link under


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The problem is that the size chart is different for every manufacturer. I do have size attributes as a drop-down but customers need to know what their size is. So I wanted to stick size charts right under the size drop-down box.
Hehe, I don't mind free stuff for sure! But I bet there aren't that many people willing to "donate" their labor like you do. :)

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I considered that, too. The tab it creates is called "Data Sheet" - not quite good for fashion stuff I sell. And I didn't see how I can add an image there. I can only give names to features and feature values. Didn't notice any other options...
I have seen some other website has created CMS for size charts (I don't know if they are PrestaShop-based). The link looks like this: www.website.com/media/cms/sizechart/t_1.jpg. Maybe there is a way to create CMS like this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, it appears that not everyone scrolls down the page. I still would like to add a size chart link right by the size drop-down box. Anyone could help please? Ideally, the link would scroll the page down to the size chart image (I have different size charts for various brands). Which file should be edited?

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I simply created a CMS page containing the size chart image, then I added the following to product.tpl:

<a href="{$base_dir}content/10-size-chart/?content_only=1&TB_iframe=true&width=700&height=470&thickbox=true" class="button thickbox">Size chart

Change 10-size-chart to the friendly URL of your size chart CMS page and the height and width as necessary.

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  • 5 months later...


I think it depends how your product.tpl is builded (depends of your theme), but if you want to add a link to your size chart, you have to add the link after the code which calls created attributs, in my case the code is:

            {$group.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} :
               {assign var='groupName' value='group_'|cat:$id_attribute_group}
                   {foreach from=$group.attributes key=id_attribute item=group_attribute}

I think the code looks approximately the same on every themes.

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  • 3 years later...
  On 12/10/2010 at 2:46 AM, rocky said:

I can't be any more specific. It is themes/prestashop/product.tpl if you are using the default PrestaShop theme (or customised it) or in another directory in the themes directory if you installed another theme.

Hey Rocky, I have seen your code here. My question is this possible to be changed that size chart according to products? what do you think? What I am saying is I don't want to list 20 or 30 lines of size chart in CMS, it is inconvenient for customer to find something from that list. If it is shoes chart will show only shoes, if it is bra size chart must show only bra size. Do you think it is possible? thanks

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