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[SOLVED] Adding 'Tax excl.' to product accessories

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My shop works on a 'tax excl. basis. Almost everywhere this is mentioned,i.e. prices are without VAT, TAX excl., etc... .
Only now when adding an accessory product to a product, only the price of that accessory is mentioned without anything added.

I tried to add in product.tpl:

{l s='Tax exc.'}

but it didn't work.

This is the piece of code of product.tpl:

{displayWtPrice p=$accessory.price} {l s='Tax exc.'}
{l s='View'}
{l s='Add to cart'}

Maybe some of you had the same problem?

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Hi Rocky,

Thanks for helping me out!

However, I replaced the code but it didn't do the job..
Even with the code I put above the problem is that it displays in the accessories page:' Tax exc.' and doesn't take the translation as put in the nl.php file.

In fact with the main product, {l s='Tax exc.'}, is displayed as: 'BTW excl.'; which is the correct translation as put in the php.nl file.

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I found the problem!
Apparently the {l s} syntax for VAT is not the same in product and product-list.
So if you add the syntax you should take the one from product.tpl, which is {l s=tax excl.} and not the one from product-list.tpl ( {i s=Tax exc.}.
If you switch both it will not work.

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Can you please summerise exactly what code and on whice files I should change to get the excl. VAT displayed?

First thing is that you should check in the Back Office under Tools/Translations/Front-Office/Product section, if the translation for 'tax excl.' is filled in, if not fill in a translation and save. Also check if it says 'tax excl' or something else i.e. Tax exc. ,etc... . This text should be entered in the syntax. In my case it is as below.
You should add {l s='tax excl.'} or other (see above) in the product.tpl in the accessories zone. It should look like this:

{displayWtPrice p=$accessory.price} {l s='tax excl.'}
{l s='View'}
{l s='Add to cart'}

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