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[Solved] How to alter the pagination.tpl to show all pages?

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I want to eliminate the truncate part of pagination.tpl and show all pages.

right now it shows 1 2 3 ...8

I want it to show all pages like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I have commented out the two lines that have truncate in them but now it just shows still the 1 2 3 Next

so it didn't show all pages just took out the truncation part ...

can anyone help? thanks alot.

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Just one more correction, simply replace in your themes/[your_theme]/pagination.tpl file, at line 29 (if you haven't got remove the originales lines 25-28) :

{section name=pagination start=$start loop=$stop+1 step=1}


{section name=pagination start=1 loop=$pages_nb+1 step=1}

Best regards

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thank you so much ! That worked like a charm.

In case anyone was wondering why I wanted to do it - I was reading an article on SEO and it said it was best not to truncate the pages but to show them all so it will be easier for the bots to follow to the next page. seemed like a little enough thing to try. If it doesn't help, can't see how it can hurt.

Thank you again :)


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