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Combine a Product Attribute Category with Another Like Category


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I'm hoping there is an easy answer to this question, but I don't think there is. I hope I can explain this right. When I set up my product attributes I set up 2 different color attribute categories. In the backend they read Gildan Colors and Next Level Colors. The front of my shop just shows color. I purchased an add on that needs to pull data from the color attribute, but it will only allow me to use one color category and I need it to allow me to use both so question is, is there a way to combine attribute categories? If I delete one category and manually relist all of the colors then I have to go back in and relink all of the images to the correct colors. I've attached a screen shot of the attribute categories that I would like to merge. They are shown in red. Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Product Attributes • Vine Fresh Tees.png

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I have found ps_attributes in phpmyadmin so I can move all colors in Id 6 to Id 3 where I want them. Do I have to make changes in any other files? I tried doing one and it worked, but I lost my linked images to that color. Do I have to relink all images or is there somewhere else I need to make changes?

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