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I´m having some issues with the blockcart module and miniature images from products:

GtMetrix analysis for homepage says that i have to "specify image dimensions" and "reduce image size" for ALL the images from the ajax blockcart preview... I don´t understand why this is happening, i work with other stores with ajax cart activated and is the first time i see this issue. Why GtMetrix detects all these images (cart_default) even if i have no products in the cart?? Are these images really loading?

Trying to solve the issue, i´ve edited blockcart.tpl to add image atributes "widht=""" and "height=""" in the <img ..../> tag for the blockcart products element, and then sometimes appears and sometimes doesn´t...

I´m trying to directly delete the load of the image but when i add a product the image firstly appears, it´s only if i refresh the page when the image dissapear...

Am i missing something? This is the first time i see this problem...

Store data: PS & leothemes footballwear theme --> https://equipamientodigital.com/


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