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[SOLVED] How do I remove left AND right columns from Categories?

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Does anyone know how to remove the left and right columns from the categories pages? I've managed to remove them from the homefeatured module/homepage but am having problems removing both from Categories - can remove the right column using

{if $page_name != 'category'}

in the footer.tpl, but start to get problems when trying to add that same code to the header.tpl where

{if $page_name != 'index'}

already exists to remove the left column from the homepage.

Have also created exceptions in the modules for 'category.php' which has removed everything from the left column but am still now left with a blank space...

thanks in advance

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Haha, thanks so much for that. I didn't realise I could just put 'AND' in there.. brilliant. Thanks much appreciated.

If anyone needs/would like to know: Also to extend the width of the products across the whole page, I had to add, edit and update the widths to the following styles that already existed:

(find the existing styles in global.css and just add the widths to each, do not delete any existing style info. You might need to play around with the values for each depending on your sites preferred page width, image sizes etc. Global.css is from version

/* product-list.tpl */

ul#product_list{ width:977px;}

ul#product_list li {

/* pagination.tpl */

div.pagination { width:965px; }

/* product-sort.tpl */

form#productsSortForm p{width:950px;

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