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Reducing Load Time - Optimization

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I am currently experiencing a slow load time on my PS.

I have used Web Page Test and it is showing initial load times of 8sec, and to me this seems a little long.

Is there anything that anyone can suggest to bring this number down?

I have already changed the Smarty Tool settings and compression settings in my cPanel.

Thanks for your help!


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If you provide a link to your site, it is possible to do an analysis to determine what is causing the slowdown. Otherwise, I can only speculate as to what is causing the slowdown. Perhaps you have too many categories, too many modules installed or too many images.

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A few things that might be slowing down your site: categories, carousel and new products.

Try configuring the "Categories block" and changing the maximum depth to "1" to see whether it improves the load time.

Those carousel images are 250KB each! I suggest that you reduce the size of those images. Try saving them as PNG-8 files or lowering the JPEG compression level.

The new products block is known to slow down sites when there are many new products. I suggest that you try disabling the module to see whether that reduces the load time.

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