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Can I change Quantity to Per Sheet?

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I am starting a website selling facial mask. In prestashop, when customer want to "add to cart", the page will show "Quantity: 1"

Can I change this piece of information into "Sheet: 1"

Althought my store is selling facial mask, I do sell other cosmetic products and therefore my webstore will have description in

"Quantity: 1"
"Sheet: 1"
"Bottle: 4"

something like that. Can this be done?

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There is no easy way to do that, unless all your "Sheet" products are in one category and all your "Bottle" products are in another category and they are also set as the default categories for those products. Is that how you've got your products set up? If so, you could change line 257 of product.tpl in your theme's directory (in PrestaShop v1.3.1) from:

{l s='Quantity :'}


{if $product->id_category_default == 2}{l s='Sheet :'}{elseif $product->id_category_default == 3}{l s='Bottle :'}{else}{l s='Quantity :'}{/if}

Change 2 to the category ID of all the "Sheets" products and 3 to the category ID of all the "Bottles" products.

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