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Help displaying variable from module

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Hi all, 

I'm trying to setup a loyalty module in prestashop 1.7. 

So far everything works however i cannot get the amount of points to show on the template discounts.tpl. I currently have this: 

Discounts: TPL

			<tr class="alternate_item">
				<td colspan="2" class="history_method bold" style="text-align:center;">{l s='Total points available:' mod='loyalty'}</td>
						<td colspan="2" class="history_method bold" style="text-align:center;">	{$points|intval}</td>
				<td class="history_method">&nbsp;</td>



	public function hookDisplayMyAccountBlock($params)

		$customer = new Customer((int)$params['id_customer']);
		if ($customer && !Validate::isLoadedObject($customer))
			die($this->l('Incorrect Customer object.'));

		$details = LoyaltyModule::getAllByIdCustomer((int)$params['id_customer'], (int)$params['cookie']->id_lang);
		$points = (int)LoyaltyModule::getPointsByCustomer((int)$params['id_customer']);
		return $this->hookCustomerAccount($params);

And i have added the module to the hook displayMyAccountBlock

any help would be greatly apprieciated.



Edited by Diddlyuk (see edit history)
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On 31/03/2018 at 11:01 AM, Rho_Bur said:

use $this->context->smarty->assign( "variable", value) in your hook (or the hookHeader); then you'll be able to access it in your tpl with $variable.



I added the code below to my loyalty.php file but still no joy i'm afraid


$this->context->smarty->assign('cpoints', $points);



<td colspan="2" class="history_method bold" style="text-align:center;">{l s='Total points available:' mod='loyalty'}</td>
<td colspan="2" class="history_method bold" style="text-align:center;">{$cpoints|intval}</td>
<td class="history_method">&nbsp;</td>


what am i doing wrong?

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