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Friendly URL not working

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  • 3 months later...

I just had the same problem and, not that this is what the problem is with yours, but I didn't realize that when you add images (even in CMS or in the product details page) that you must click on the "add image" icon to add the photo, or just be sure that you are using this type of code:

img title="Paypal" src="http://www.jollylaundry.com/modules/blockrss2/icons/paypal.png" alt="{l s='Paypal Checkout' mod='blockrss2'}" border="0"

where it call up the url, rather than what I was using:

img src="modules/blockrss2/icons/paypal.png" alt="{l s='Paypal Checkout' mod='blockrss2'}" border="0"

I had just written all of the product details and CMS pages in Dreamweaver and copied and pasted the code in, then when I turned on Friendly URL most of my images were question marks. Not sure if this is what you did or not, but just want to throw it out there for others than may not have known that. Good luck!

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