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"Modify This Image" option not working

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Okay, so I've been working on our PrestaShop implementation for a while now, and we are getting close to the point where we begin importing product. I've created a couple products, and started working through the preferences for the product, and noticed the "modify this image" link on the image management portion of the product. However, when I click on it, the page refreshes and expands with a lot more options, but then immediately reverts back to the original view with just the thumbnail of the image on the bottom. It's like it expands, loads completely, then contracts, all within a few seconds.

I've tried in IE 7, Safari and Chrome. Am I missing something? I even went to a demo of prestashop online and see the same behavior. Thanks for any pointers.

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It works fine for me. When you click that icon, the page refreshes and the "Caption" field changes to the caption for that image. Of course, there is no indication that you are now editing an image instead of adding a new one, but you are actually editing an image. If you upload an image (or edit any other fields), then click "Save image", it will replace the image you clicked the edit icon next to instead of adding a new image.

I had a customer mention this issue, since I copied the same code in my Sliding Menu and Image Gallery modules. I modified my modules to highlight the row of the image currently being edited to make it clearer what happened when the edit button was clicked.

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