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Incorrect product shown on some orders?

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Noticed something odd on an order this morning. I had an order come through from someone in France. When I printed off the PDF invoice, it was showing products that I wasn't expecting her to have ordered (I had previously discussed the product with this customer).

When I viewed the order details in the administration, the pictures were showing what I expected her to have ordered but not the product descriptions. If you click the descriptions, it takes you to the correct product item in the admin also.

How on earth is this possible!?

Prestashop is indeed showing completely the wrong product name on her order but the correct image!

How can I fix this? I am now very nervous about other orders I have sent to customers in France (as it only seems to effect them!) that are completely wrong!

Input would be welcome!
Thank you!


I have just noticed that the products it is showing are actually the first products from within the category that has been ordered from. So, first t-shirt in the t-shirt category and first mug in the mug category!

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Do I understand correctly?

Both the invoice and the order in admin show correct images but wrong product descriptions which are the first products in the actual ordered product's category, and clicking on the wrong description in admin takes you to the correct product page and this only happens to customers from France.

If that is the case, strange indeed. Maybe a language/internationalization related issue. What version of PrestaShop you are using? How many languages you have installed, if any?

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  • 3 years later...

I am having the same problem with all orders!!! Well, one of my problems anyways. Personally I am sick and tired of everything getting screwed up all the time. I fix one thing something else breaks. I am constantly here searching for help. How do they expect us to run business like this.

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