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Adding a question to the sign up process?

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Is it possible to add a question in the sign-up process?
I often wonder where this particular customer comes from or where they heard or found out about my store.
I know i often have seen the question like "From where did you hear about us?" in many sign-up processes both on-line as off-line, and i think that can be helpful to pinpoint exactly which ad triggered the purchase of this particular product.
I know that we have referrers in the statistics section, and i know that in carts we can see where they might have come from. But major referrer for me says "direct link" as if the customer have copy and paste the link, or read it from a paper or similar. So for me this option would be extra helpful.

If there is a way to insert this with the option to chose either, i dont want to answer, or tick a box saying the same, and if it could be easily changed to other question would be great too.

Any knowledge about this?


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