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Removing background clutter from pictures

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Hello All,

Can anybody tell me how to remove the background clutter from pictures so that they look "presentable" on a website?

What I mean is we take the pictures at home on a piece of material but what we want a "crisp white" background on the website. I have tried everything to remove it inc Macromedia Fireworks, Adobe photoshop, Paint.net and god knows how many crap programs from the internet to no avail!!

I have even resorted to decorating to have a white background but it is still not the same kind of white you can get from digital enhancing. I just cant think of anything else to try now.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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Hi jhnstcks,

Thanks for the reply mate. I have tried similar to that as well but because some of the items have a lace edging its very delicate/detailed and photoshop cuts off some of it. That said I have seen similar sites with similar items that have got the perfect edges to their delicate items pictures.

Thanks again but any more ideas?

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If you make your own photos, it's simple. Take the pictures with white back, use good light.
Below is examples, how it can be done:

Than take your preferred picture editor (Photoshop, Xnview, ...) and slighty change instrument, called Curves. Example is here:

Similar effect can also be achieved with instrument Levels. It would take 10-15 sec per image and for simple situation it is usually enough.

If you need to remove background from some other pictures, here is several techniques:
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Thanks ever so much for the links. I will try some more of them out when taking the next pictures. Looks pretty simple really. Ill let you know how I get on though!!! haha. Any idea how to remove the background from current pictures? Is there anyway? I basically have things like the carpet, skirting boards, desks. Hope that there is a way :-(

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