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Fatal error: Class 'DbPDO' not found in /classes/db/Db.php on line 208


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Hello guys,

I need a big help.

I was importing products as usual on our company website when I got this error while going to Attachments catalog page:


Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 208404480) (tried to allocate 50 bytes) in /classes/db/DbPDO.php on line 119


After reading something on the forum on how to solve the problem, I renamed DbPDO.php to DbPDO.php.OLD by FTP in order to find a solution,

but I recognized that the code was OK. SO I just renamed back the file to DbPDO.php , I did no modification to the file.

Now all the website is down and I got this error:


Fatal error: Class 'DbPDO' not found in /classes/db/Db.php on line 208


Anyone can help with this? I'm in big trouble.


Thank you very much,




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Ok, looks like I solved the very BIG problem deleting /cache/class_index.php


The website is up again.


But I still got:

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 208404480) (tried to allocate 50 bytes) in /classes/db/DbPDO.php on line 119


Is there any setting to modify in php.ini in your opinion guys?


Thanks in advance



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