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[Solved] How to make short description longer than 400 characters ?

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Have you also actually checked that the database field can handle this?????

Do you NEED two descriptions that are long, or are you trying to just use the short description on it's own (and don't want the long description)? If the latter is the case, then just alter the theme to swap the descriptions around, and use the long description only....


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I needed longer short description in my shop www.automatyka-sterowanie.pl and changes in this two files works for me.

I didn't check the database field i didn't know that it could be a problem, I am begginer i php mysql and I'm just tring simple code modification for my needs.

Maybe in prestashop 1.1 lenght of the fileds would be adjustable :)


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I needed longer short description in my shop www.automatyka-sterowanie.pl and changes in this two files works for me.

I didn't check the database field i didn't know that it could be a problem, I am begginer i php mysql and I'm just tring simple code modification for my needs.

But you don't appear to be using the full description..... yu could have just used that instead (moved to where the short description is) without having to change the cart's code; which you'll need to redo when you upgrade... :-)

Maybe in prestashop 1.1 lenght of the fileds would be adjustable :)


I wouldn't think so....

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In short description I have all importent things about products and long description is reserved for long and more detailed description and it will be soon :) maybe when prestashop 1.1 see the light :)

Long time I haven't use english - too much time for searching correct words - I need to upgrade dictionary in my head :)


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There's one other issue you are going to need to address.

When you change the product description lengths or the style on those descriptions you need to change the tpl files that handle product display.

For example, in product-list.tpl you need to look for the :truncate tag, as in the following:


You will need to update this if you are going to display the longer descriptions. We've also had to make extensive modifications to the styles in the global.css file to handle changes in appearance.

Finally, don't forget to look in the featured product module as well if you use it.


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to nedlider:

can you precise me where to make modification:

{if $product.new == 1}{l s='new'}{/if}{$product.name|truncate:35|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}



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{convertPrice price=$product.price}
{if ($product.allow_oosp OR $product.quantity > 0)}{l s='Available'}{else}{l s='Out of stock'}{/if}
               <!--{if ($product.allow_oosp OR $product.quantity > 0)}
{l s='Add to cart'}
{l s='Add to cart'}
{l s='View'}


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