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shipping cost using which zone?

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hi all

i'd like to ask:

- i set up "Fees by carrier, geographical zone, and ranges" from BO

- there are 5 zones with different prices


- when i place an order (testing from FO), why does the "Shipping" cost in the Cart always refer to one particular zone (it always refer to 'Jawa')?

{i tried changing the cost in Jawa, and the shipping cost in cart changes; but when i change others, it still refer to that Jawa}

- how do i change the "Shipping" cost based on customer's address?
(then i should change the "City" to a dropdownlist when customer register for the first time; also add checking to the pre-loaded zip code against the city)

or any other solution for synchronizing the shipping to where the customer is?
or maybe there is already this feature but im not aware? pls teach me how

Thanks before, guys!


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  • 4 months later...


Let me try it first.

But I think it will be more useful to add cities without eliminating states. Because in a vast country like Indonesia, in one province (or state in general term) the distance between two cities can be more than 500km and it has different pricing scheme.

And if we eliminate the state (province) concept, it will be very difficult for the user to search from the drop list because there can be hundreds (even thousands) of cities in one country.


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