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May have to dump prestashop

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I'm seriously frustrated with this now, been running this shop for a short while and it's a nightmare, Nochex has stopped working, it returns a 403 error every time someone tries to check out, GoogleCheckout doesn't pull the order through right, it leaves out details of an order where someone has selected from a dropdown box and I keep getting emails from Google say they Attention required: order notification failing, the last order didn't even register as a paid order its still sitting in the cart, on top of this I can't set the services I sell to free shipping because Prestashop doesn't support it, its one or the other you either charge shipping or you don't so again not good for those who sell both services and products. Sorry to moan I know it's a free shop but unless it does the job what's the point. Anyone know how or even if the above can be sorted please.

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Hi John thanks for the reply, the Nochex module is this one

No Chex APC Module v0.1
Accept payments by No chex

It was working fine taking orders but now it just returns a 403 error page, with Google check out it fails on two points, it doesn't take the order as it appears in the cart, i.e in this case a customer bought some aroma oils of a specific type but all it put in the basket was the overall main description. It also failed to register that the order was paid for and had the customer not have emailed me asking where there order was I wouldn't have known. The shipping problem I have searched a lot on the forums and it seems you cannot set items to free shipping if you have other items that need shipping

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As for the shipping problem, could you use some kind of weight range for your products and services.

For example you could set your products at 10kg and your services at 1kg, then you can set the shipping for each weight range. Of coruse the problem with this is you would have to go through and change the weight of all your products.

I can't help with the googlecheckout module i'm afraid i have seen lots of posts about it not working with this prestashop v.

I use the Nochex module i posted above and not had any problems with it.

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In the Google checkout integration settings it says for xml you must have a secure API callback URL, which means you have to have a security certificate installed. In the PRESTASHOP Google checkout module it says you must use xml, so I hope you have a security cert installed on your site, or that could be causing the problem maybe? Just a thought, I am new to Prestashop since yesterday,...yes, I'm a noob!

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