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Image on Product Detail Page

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The image you see on product page is "large" which then opens in thumbnail when you click on it. The other ones are thumbnail and when you rollover your mouse on them, the image "large" changes.
So right now the size for "large" is set to 300 x 210. From what I have noticed on my site is, the length "300" is fixed whereas the width is functional to the length. So if I have an image with size 750 x 500, it gets reduced to 300 x size that would correspond according to the reduction. If this reduced width happens to be bigger than 210 (as set up in the back-end), it overlaps the borders. This becomes an even bigger problem if the image I upload is 500 x 800. Then the length gets again reduced to 300 and the width reduces accordingly. And in this case, it completely overlaps the border and looks very strange.

Can someone think of a solution? Even if we set the width to be fixed and then reduce the length correspondingly, I do not think this will solve the problem.

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