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language problem - error in "tools.php" file

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Hey guys!
I have the following problem:
My shop is working with both English and Bulgarian languages. In English I do not have any problems up to now, but in Bulgarian when I choose a product, add it to the cart and click on either "Cart" or "Check out" buttons the following error message appears in my browser window:

PHP Warning: htmlentities() [function.htmlentities]: Invalid multibyte sequence in argument in .....\httpdocs\classes\Tools.php on line 338
PHP Warning: htmlentities() [function.htmlentities]: Invalid multibyte sequence in argument in .....\httpdocs\classes\Tools.php on line 338

I do not know what does it mean, but when I check in "Tools.php" file this is the "problem" section:

334 static public function htmlentitiesUTF8($string, $type = ENT_QUOTES)
335 {
336 if (is_array($string))
337 return array_map(array('Tools', 'htmlentitiesUTF8'), $string);
338 return htmlentities($string, $type, 'utf-8');
339 }

Can anyone help me by advising what should I change in order to fix this error? Thanks in advance for the effort!

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