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How to configure my web, so i can send email using my web?

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i am a newbie here.. i just installed my prestashop n it ran well..
then i happen to get this problem,

when i try to send email to customer from BO it can’t, nor sending an test email from BO.
i tried sending email to webmaster from “contact us” menu but it can’t too..
i tried to use customer referral program module too.. it does invited the user, but the email never arrived to the destination mailbox
i wonder, what should i do to make my web can send email to an email address..

i am still using localhost, i haven’t hosted my web yet (frankly speak, i don't know how to)
does it need to be hosted first? or there is another way to configure it so i can send email using my localhost web?
plz help me..

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