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[SOLVED] Significant Front Office speed decrease in 1.3.1

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Hey Y'all

Anyone else noticed a significant decrease in speed from 1.2.5 to 1.3.1? As you can see from the Google analytics graph attached, the delay between the request for the HTML until it being returned has almost tripled from the exact day I performed the upgrade. I wasn't really worried about the increase initially. But for the past month we've seen a significant decrease in sales so obviously customers must be getting annoyed by the speed (I hope thats the root cause ;-).

From a back office point-of-view it still remains snappy, so I don't believe its a server or DB issue. I've added no new modules since the upgrade so everything remains as it was prior to the upgrade.

They only way I could think to troubleshoot this was to place timestamps at various places through specific TPL's to at least help me pinpoint where the delay is being injected and then troubleshoot from there.

So my questions a) has anyone seem similar issue?, B) was there an easy solution (I couldn't find any in the forum)?, and c) if no to the first two question, any suggestions on the best way to troubleshoot this?




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