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ERROR 500 after 1-click upgrade, forbidden .htaccess rules


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I'm running into issues by doing 1-click upgrade of Prestashop 1.7.x on shared webhosting (WEDOS, Czech Republic). It works all fine, but one of the last steps is to upgrade /admin/.htaccess file, which includes rule on line 17 Options -MultiViews

This rule is banned at WEDOS webhosting and produces error 500, which causes upgrade to fail. I wasn't able to skip this .htaccess upgrade, file premissions didn't help.

I believe it would all run very smoothly with this one file skipped from the upgrade process, is there any way of editing list of files to upgrade

Did anyone have this solved? Thank you very much! 

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What did you configured on Back-office ? Seems your provider do not accept or is forcing apache multiviews.

Change the configuration on tab Advanced parameters -> performance -> Apache optimization (if it is set to yes, set to no; if it is set to no, set to yes), save this new configuration and try to upgrade.

What you also can try is to upgrade by renaming the .htacces on shop root to .htaccess.old and make an upgrade without this file active.

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Another possibility is to comment the lines of .htaccess of your /admin folder.

Edit the file with notepad or other editor by commenting theses files:

# Disabling MultiViews prevents unwanted negotiation, e.g. "/app" should not resolve
# to the front controller "/app.php" but be rewritten to "/app.php/app".
#<IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
#    Options -MultiViews


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Thank you for your advices, but still I can't finish upgrade.

I tried update with both on / off Apache Optimization, both the same result (fault).

Commenting out Options -Multiviews is necessary even for running Prestashop, otherwise it won't work and will fall into 500 Error. My problem is when doing upgrade using 1-Click Upgrade, it will download brand new prestashop.zip archive with /admin/.htaccess including uncommented Options -Multiviews line. So upgrade is running well and once /admin/.htaccess is upgraded, it stops and falls to 500 Internal Server Error. 

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  • 7 months later...


- download last version prestashop
- in archive you must comment

#    Options -MultiViews

- Upload arcive to ftp folder admin..../autoupgrade/download
- in admin - 1-click Upgrade, Click on button "expert mode" and select "local archive" and select zip archive
- save setting and make upgrade

best regards

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry for the English-I write through a translator

Here is the solution. I have already updated 2 versions

With automatic updates always will be updated at the end /admin/.htaccess file and there will always be a 500 error.


You take the downloaded archive, unzip.    Go to  admin/.htaccess delete or comment Options -MultiViews . Save and back copy arcive to ftp folder admin..../autoupgrade/download




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  • 2 months later...

Здравствуйте, подскажите ошибка 500 при установке.

Hello, but tell me the error 500 when installing presta does not even reach the installation, I’ve been tortured for a week now and have been trying everything

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