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Groups of colors and models

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Hi, about attributes and groups, in the management - catalogue - attributes and colors, I had created two groups of attributes (color and model), however the radio button of color's group should be enabled in the case of color and in the case of model it should be disabled. The virtual shopp (products ) show in the right side the square of 'choose one color' and other square with two list box (colors and models). However it doesn´t have one square for choosing the model like 'choose one color'.
In conclusion I want tres square : 1.- choose the color(prestashop has it), 2. - choose the model(I don´t know if it is possible do it because i didn´t see it) and 3.- other with two list box (colors and models , prestashop has it). My question is if it already be made or if i have to made it or if someone has any ideas.

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