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[SOLVED] Adding module to 1 page only.

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The only other way is use Smarty to hide the module code on every page but the one you want. For example, to show a module only on the homepage, add the following to the top of the module's TPL file:

{if $page_name == 'index'}

and the following to the bottom:


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  • 5 months later...

Hi Rocky,

I am wondering how I would go about using the above code in my modules tpl file if I just want to have it appear on one particular CMS page.

ie. cms.php?id_cms=4

So if I just want the block I am using (in my case the advertising block) to show up on that page only, what would the code I would use be?

Thanks for your help!

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks rocky!


i've been searching for days. I thought it had something to do with hooks.


finally i got to display side adv banner only in category page


{if $smarty.get.id_category == 7}
<!-- MODULE Block advertising7 -->
<div class="advertising_block">
<a href="{$adv_link}" title="{$adv_title}"><img src="{$image}" alt="{$adv_title}" title="{$adv_title}" width="202"  height="500" /></a>
<!-- /MODULE Block advertising7 -->
<!-- /title="{$adv_title}" width="155"  height="163" /></a> -->


Still, i prefer to place the banner at the centre instead of right side, just below the HOME>MY CATEGORY, and only in my category page. Can anybody help me with that?


i know that theres an option at BO to insert image for category, but it just display image, can't insert link.


tried this http://nemops.com/a-deeper-look-at-prestashop-hooks/ but didn't work :mellow:

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