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vertical specials module multiple products

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Ive search the entire forum looking for this, found some topics with the MGC Home Products Carousel module and another one but none are wat i need and i think allot of people.

Im looking for a module like the specials on the right column but vertical and with multiple product images

like this


Those are products .

Ive search in the prestashop for a paid module, but all i find is this one, http://www.prestastore.com/product-lists/184-product-lists-galerie-de-produits.html

The thing is it doesnt say in de description if its a vertical module.

Im willing to pay for a module like this, or if someone knows of a module like that thats free, would be good too.
If not , Im willing tp pay any kind of sum, so i can finnish this project im working on. Im left with empty space on the right column , can fill it up with ads sure but i rather use it for products.

Thanks in advance

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