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Back Office Product Catalog with tax-included prices?


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Hello devs and merchs!

Sorry to see so many negative posts and comments, I appreciate all the hard work put into 1.7, it really looks great, a lot more user friendly. I hope module developers can keep up.  

Has anyone figured out how to display prices with taxes included in the Back Office Product Catalog in PrestaShop 1.7+?

Is it an SQL thing? what does " 0 AS `price_final` " mean in the query? Does it make an empty column? And where does that column go if it does? The query is exactly the same in 1.6 so it's weird the output is different in 1.7

Does anybody have any resources to share about how the databases/tables are thought out/work in PrestaShop? I see that products have a single price field in the product database which is tax excluded, and I can understand why, things would get messy if it didn't... But then where is the final price kept, or how is it calculated? Could it be calculated with an SQL query or is it done with Javascript? I could ignore tax rules, I only have one tax so a simple calculation would suffice...

Or  better yet, would it be logical/doable to have a feature where the user chooses if the price in the database includes the tax or not, and then the site changes calculations accordingly?  

Anybody any thoughts on the matter?  






Update: A wonderful man posted the solution to displaying price_final here:


The filters don't work though, So the remaining question is how do we get the filters to work?


Edited by vedrana
Partial solution (see edit history)
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In other words :

In backoffice > catalog > products list :

Price WITHOUT tax is interesting in B2B mode.

Price WITH tax is interesting in B2C mode (default mode), therefore it should be the default behavior.

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Hi everybody!

I opened an issue about this in the forge, as I learned that's the place to post bugs and improvement recommendations. 

Nobody mentioned this there before, but now it's sure the core developers will look into it. It will probably take a good while, and the changes will probably come with a future version. Thought you might like to know... 

For those who are interested, you can follow the issue here: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-5049

you need make an account for that, though.

It would be great if someone figures out a query for the sql manager in the meantime :)

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This is still a problem when setting up product combinations, it is causing a really big problem for us having to try and calculate our pricing minus the tax first, as all our products have tax included prices, makes adding and editing products very slow and cumbersome, I get no time to run my business stuffing around with this.

Why cant we just add tax included prices where ever the situation occurs

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  On 4/14/2019 at 11:08 AM, Crezzur.com said:

You will need to edit products_table.html.twig and list.html.twig both files can be found on the following location:

you can add the variable "final_price" which will show the price including vat and discounts.

a detailed tutorial can be found here: Add Product Final Price



Anybody have a guide for this? Seems the links ar enot working.

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