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Fatal error: Class 'Cache' not found


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This is refereed to: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/283296-resolved-fatal-error-class-cache-not-found/

My hosting company restored my site from their yesterday backup. There where issues with the restoration, the site didn't load and the error log generated:

PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Cache' not found in ... classes/ObjectModel.php on line 1835

I looked for the issue and stumbled upon that thread with the fix to delete "class_index.php" in cache folder.

That fixed it, it regenerated the file and the site was up.

The thing is that my site now looked like from a month ago, so much work and bug fixes had disappeared, but other things like module installations where present. I have no idea what's going on, I have restored before and haven't experienced this error with the file or that the restore looks something like from a month ago.

I didn't touch or restore the db, that one is current, so I didn't have to.


Edited by nicoX (see edit history)
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