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Change image resolution in RSS feed (blockrss module), PrestaShop


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Hi everyone,

The images in my site’s RSS feed show as somehow washed out, blurry and not in detail/focus. I noticed that there is an option to set the pixels for width and height for the images in Preferences -> Images. The images in my RSS feed have the corresponding resolution to the small_default image type in Preferences -> Images. But changing these values don’t reflect in image resolution quality in the RSS feed.

Does anybody know where I should set the image resolution for the RSS feed?

Thank you.

Edited by D D (see edit history)
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As the images in my RSS feed appear as 98x98 and as the only image entry with the same size is small_default, I thought that I should go ahead and change its values so that I get some better display results in my RSS feed.

I noticed that when I change the resolution for small_default in Preferences -> Images the backend seems to accept and save the new values. For example, I change them from 98x98 to 250x250.

However, when I check the values in /config/xml/themes/default.xml, the value for small_default is still the same – 98x98.

So, I modified the values directly in default.xml and then saved the changes. Nothing happened. I also tried with regenerating the images from Preferences -> Images, without success. The size of the images in my RSS feed remains 98x98. I also cleaned my browser’s cache, but still no difference.

Any suggestions welcome.

Thank you.

Edited by D D (see edit history)
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Hi all,

Thanks to this post I managed to understand how RSS images work. Obviously, I was looking at the wrong place.

It turns out that changing the image resolution from Preferences -> Images isn’t needed, because I can use some of the predefined entries with higher resolution there.

Therefore, in order to display high resolution images in my RSS feed, I had to change the item type in /public_html/modules/feeder/rss.php. I changed it from 'small_default' to another one with a higher resolution such as 'medium_default' or even 'thickbox_default':

echo "<![CDATA[<img src='".$link->getImageLink($product['link_rewrite'], $image[0]['id_image'], 'small_default')."' title='".str_replace('&', '', $product['name'])."' alt='thumb' />";

Now the images from my RSS feed look crystal clear.

Edited by D D (see edit history)
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