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<SOLVED> New theme not showing in back office

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I uploaded the black&white;theme from my computer to: ecohappy.ie / web / shop / themes / (using 'fetch') which is where the default prestashop theme is but when i go to the backoffice the only option is the default theme.

This is my 1st webite so i am a total beginner and would SO apreciate any help or advise

thank you - astra

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When you extract downloaded zip file you will get folder
in that folder you will have folders
img modules themes install.txt hooks.jpg and two screen-shots

This is from install.txt


[1]. unzip the file

[2]. move the template file "blackwhite" to "yourshop/themes"

[3]. apply the template in the Back Office "preferences/Appearance/apply blackwhite theme"

[4]. replace the default prestashop modules by the ones in the zip

[5]. install the module blocktopmenu"

[NB]. - to change the editorial contenant :
juste edit the file "yourshop/modules/editorial/editorial.tpl"

- for more usefull design :
- check the "hooks.jpg" to see how to transplante the modules on the different blocks
- See also the screenshots

In step [2] you need to move/upload blackwhite folder from
blackwhite/themes to your example web / shop / themes /

So correct path should be web / shop / themes / blackwhite and there you have tpl files
and not web / shop / themes / blackwhite / themes / blackwhite .

Then follow other steps copy modules from blackwhite/modules to web / shop /modules.
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Sorry for ignorance but in the folder themes/blackwhite you have 404.tpl
and than /BlackWhite again

so if You try to upload to that directory BlackWhite FTP client will overvrite and You end up with NON WORKING theme !

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  • 2 months later...

Make sure you have the correct "Blackwhite" folder.

There are two of them.

The file you need to put into the prestashop themes folder.

is found in the downloaded zip. Zip>blackwhite>themes>blackwhite

it is this folder which needs to be put in the theme folder in your prestashop.

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