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[SOLVED] Admin problem - Cannot log into backoffice?!

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I cannot log into my backoffice. I get the following error:

employee does not exist, or bad password

Im 100 % sure that I have typed in all correctly and when I look in my employe-database
table trought PhpMyAdmin, I can see that my user does exists.. so then it must be the password I guess?

Anyway, I then decide to try genereta a new password by clicking "Lost Password".
I type in the correct e-mail adress and then when I press send, i get this following error:

Error - No iso code for email

I didnt recieve any email. And now I need to wait 360 minutes before i can try generate a new password.

Would be very thankful if someone could help me out here!
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Ive tried that, But I still need to wait for some time.. cant generate new password now :(.

Anyone know if its possible to change the time "360 minutes to generate password" without entering backoffice?

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Oh, finally I solved the problem.

I have deleted the english language because I dont need it, and I saw that this was the problem.

If you have this error with "No iso code for email" then you must type the following adress before pressing request password:


*Dont forget to change "yourdomain" to your domain, and also change "administrator" to the name of your admin folder.
*Dont forget to change "en" to the Iso code for your language.

Hope this helps someone more..

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