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[Solved] Changing Menu Tabs

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Hi all,

I have recently purchased a template

On this template they have manufactues as the menu tabs i.e.


What I want to do is change this for HOME | ABOUT US | NEWS | CONTACT US etc; however, I see that the the menu at present has the manufactures block in the header.

Being new to Prestashop can someone please guide me as to how I can change the links in the menu tab to relate to the static page mentioned above.

Many thanks

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because this is not a standard prestashop and me personally I don't have the theme code to check exactly it will be hard to guide you.

try to see if the menu is built as a module and then, if yes, check the module code to hardcode the links instead letting the manufacturers there.

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Yes, this is a block and here is the code for this Module which is made up of blockmanufacturer.php and blockmanufacturer.tpl :

blockmanufacturer.php code:


class BlockManufacturer extends Module
   function __construct()
       $this->name = 'blockmanufacturer';
       $this->tab = 'Blocks';
       $this->version = 1.0;


       $this->displayName = $this->l('Manufacturers block');
       $this->description = $this->l('Displays a block of manufacturers/brands');

   function install()
       Configuration::updateValue('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_TEXT', true);
       Configuration::updateValue('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_TEXT_NB', 5);
       Configuration::updateValue('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_FORM', true);

   function hooktop($params)
       global $smarty, $link;

           'manufacturers' => Manufacturer::getManufacturers(),
           'link' => $link,
           'text_list' => Configuration::get('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_TEXT'),
           'text_list_nb' => Configuration::get('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_TEXT_NB'),
           'form_list' => Configuration::get('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_FORM'),
       return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blockmanufacturer.tpl');

   function getContent()
       $output = ''.$this->displayName.'';
       if (Tools::isSubmit('submitBlockManufacturers'))
           $text_list = intval(Tools::getValue('text_list'));
           $text_nb = intval(Tools::getValue('text_nb'));
           $form_list = intval(Tools::getValue('form_list'));
           if ($text_list AND !Validate::isUnsignedInt($text_nb))
               $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid number of elements');
           elseif (!$text_list AND !$form_list)
               $errors[] = $this->l('Please activate at least one system list');
               Configuration::updateValue('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_TEXT', $text_list);
               Configuration::updateValue('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_TEXT_NB', $text_nb);
               Configuration::updateValue('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_FORM', $form_list);
           if (isset($errors) AND sizeof($errors))
               $output .= $this->displayError(implode('
', $errors));
               $output .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings updated'));
       return $output.$this->displayForm();

   public function displayForm()
       $output = '
       <form action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" method="post">
_path.'logo.gif" alt="" title="" />'.$this->l('Settings').'
'.$this->l('Use a plain-text list').'

                   <input type="radio" name="text_list" id="text_list_on" value="1" '.(Tools::getValue('text_list', Configuration::get('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_TEXT')) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '').'/>
l('Enabled').'" title="'.$this->l('Enabled').'" />
                   <input type="radio" name="text_list" id="text_list_off" value="0" '.(!Tools::getValue('text_list', Configuration::get('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_TEXT')) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '').'/>
l('Disabled').'" title="'.$this->l('Disabled').'" />
                      '.$this->l('Display').' <input type="text" size="2" name="text_nb" value="'.intval(Tools::getValue('text_nb', Configuration::get('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_TEXT_NB'))).'" /> '.$this->l('elements').'

'.$this->l('To display manufacturers in a plain-text list').'

'.$this->l('Use a drop-down list').'

                   <input type="radio" name="form_list" id="form_list_on" value="1" '.(Tools::getValue('form_list', Configuration::get('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_FORM')) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '').'/>
l('Enabled').'" title="'.$this->l('Enabled').'" />
                   <input type="radio" name="form_list" id="form_list_off" value="0" '.(!Tools::getValue('form_list', Configuration::get('MANUFACTURER_DISPLAY_FORM')) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '').'/>
l('Disabled').'" title="'.$this->l('Disabled').'" />

'.$this->l('To display manufacturers in a drop-down list').'

<input type="submit" name="submitBlockManufacturers" value="'.$this->l('Save').'" class="button" />

       return $output;


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blockmanufacturer.tpl code:

<!-- Block manufacturers module -->

{if $manufacturers}
   {if $text_list}

   {foreach from=$manufacturers item=manufacturer name=manufacturer_list}
       {if $smarty.foreach.manufacturer_list.iteration <= $text_list_nb}

getmanufacturerLink($manufacturer.id_manufacturer, $manufacturer.link_rewrite)}" title="{l s='More about' mod='blockmanufacturer'} {$manufacturer.name}">{$manufacturer.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}



{l s='No manufacturer' mod='blockmanufacturer'}

<!-- /Block manufacturers module -->

Hope that helps

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so it's easy just change:

{if $manufacturers}
   {if $text_list}
   {foreach from=$manufacturers item=manufacturer name=manufacturer_list}
       {if $smarty.foreach.manufacturer_list.iteration <= $text_list_nb}

getmanufacturerLink($manufacturer.id_manufacturer, $manufacturer.link_rewrite)}" title="{l s='More about' mod='blockmanufacturer'} {$manufacturer.name}">{$manufacturer.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}

<br>   {/if}<br>{else}<br><p>{l s='No manufacturer' mod='blockmanufacturer'}</p>


menu 1
menu 2
menu 3

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