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Affect stock qnty only after payment is made or shipped

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With stock management enabled every order placed decreases stock quantity automatically, regardless if its valid or not.
Shouldnt stock decrease only after payment is accepted/item is shipped?

Perhaps iam missing some settings, because i cant imagine its supposed to work this way.

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That's the way PrestaShop works. I think it is done that way to reserve the products for that customer so that a future customer can't purchase them. For example, if the stock was decreased only after payment was accepted, then it is possible that another customer's order will have to be invalidated since the products they bought were bought by another customer. I don't think the customer would be happy if their order completed, then you had to send a message saying , "Well, actually now we are out of stock, even though we weren't when you ordered".

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Have a time period for payments to be made. For example I offer direct deposit payments, customers have five days to make payment or their order is cancelled. This stops customers holding onto stock that other legitimate customers could be buying.

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