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Create new manufcaturer from query in Prestashop 1.7


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Im using knowbandmarketplace module in a prestashop 1.7 shop to allow users to add their own product. There are some basic infos such as EAN, Title, etc...i need to edit this code

<input type="text" class="kb-inpfield" name="manu" value="{$manu|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" maxlength="12" />
  <select name="id_manufacturer" class="kb-inpselect">
    <option>{l s='Select Manufacturer' mod='kbmarketplace'}</option>                                                     
    {foreach $manufacturers as $manu}
     <option value="{$manu['id_manufacturer']|intval}" {if $manu['id_manufacturer'] == $id_manufacturer}selected="selected"{/if} >{$manu['name']|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</option>

in order to allow users create their own manufacturer through the value written in text form (if it does not exists already in the dropdown list generated) just like they would normally do in back office's manufacturers and brands page.

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