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Integrate the adress in identity.tpl/php

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In your template folder open the following files (save a copy of each file before):
- addresses.tpl
- identity.tpl

Copy everything in addresses.tpl except the following line at the top:

var baseDir = '{$base_dir_ssl}';

and this one at the end:

{l s='Back to Your Account'}

{l s='Home'}

Paste everything in identity.tpl before the following line:

{l s='Back to Your Account'}
{l s='Home'}

You might want to remove the addresses link in account page...
In my-account.tpl (make a copy of the file and open the original one)

{l s='Your addresses'}


{l s='Your addresses'}

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Thank you for the reply.

That's almost what i'm after. When doing that you get the links etc to change you're adress but it don't know that you already have an adress. That will just leave a link that says "you don't have any adress yet, register a new one" even though you have 3 or 4.

What I'm after is make the form look like the one when you are registering for the first time.
It should just show the same form but with the information pre-entered so you can just see what you have registered and what you want to change real quick.

Something like on the picture i have attached.

(sorry for the english)


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To make the identity page to detect existing addresses and work properly I think you would need to copy part of the addresses.php file in the identity.php file.

Try to copy the following content of addresses.php:

if (!$cookie->isLogged())

$customer = new Customer(intval($cookie->id_customer));
if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($customer))
   die(Tools::displayError('customer not found'));

$smarty->assign('addresses', $customer->getAddresses(intval($cookie->id_lang)));

in the identity.php file before:


It should work but will not display the address form as you want.

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