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Image quality

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I am designing my images in Photoshop, after that I load them on my site, but their quality becomes poorer.
Is Prestashop resizing them?
How can I improve my images (I tried png, jpeg and giff and the situation doesn't change)?
The resolution which I use is 72px/inch in RGB mode.
Help me please.
Thank you.

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PrestaShop uses the imageResize function in images.inc.php to create JPG thumbnails no matter what format you upload images. Unfortunately, the GD library isn't as good as resizing JPGs in high quality as Photoshop. You can try increasing the quality of the JPEGs on lines 40 and 238 of images.inc.php (in PrestaShop v1.3.1):

imagejpeg($newImage, _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.$cacheImage, 86);


$flag = imagejpeg($ressource, $filename, 90);

Try increasing 86 and 90 to 99. If that still isn't enough, you may be better off manually creating thumbnail images using Photoshop and overwriting the ones in the img/p directory using your FTP client.

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Well, as I see this problem with image quality is as old as Prestashop itself, and since Preastashop was created nothing changed... I use Prestashop, and poor quality is noticeable even if I set maximum quality in back office. Please, if there is anybody who knows how to imrove quality, help. There's so many images in my shop that that's almost impossible to change them manually by ftp... I hope there is some solution for this problem.

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  On 7/27/2014 at 6:02 AM, BaikalShaman said:

Well, as I see this problem with image quality is as old as Prestashop itself, and since Preastashop was created nothing changed... I use Prestashop, and poor quality is noticeable even if I set maximum quality in back office. Please, if there is anybody who knows how to imrove quality, help. There's so many images in my shop that that's almost impossible to change them manually by ftp... I hope there is some solution for this problem.


perhaps it's somehow related to host restrictions?

it's worth to check it, because for me , prestashop generates images well with nice quality...

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