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Need new module made, don’t know if right place to ask


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My Company needs a new module, so we can support a ERP system
that handles the special discounts, the system can give us, has to work all the way from product to order confirmation.
My company is willing to pay for this, to own the license, after an agreement has been made, else we'll release the module as open-source.

Proposed table structure

Discount_Id, Integer, Auto increment
X, decimal (18,2)
Y, decimal (18,2)
Z, decimal (18,2)


currency is DDK

X is the type of discount: 0 = % of, 1 = DDK off, 2 = Fixed price, 3 is bulk.
IF X is 0,1,2 then Y = amount of.. So if X = 0, then Y is 20% off
IF X is 3 then Y is amount of products to buy
Z is only used when X is 3, then Z is amount of kr off..

Example 3,3,20 (x,y,z) = bulk discount, buy 3 and get 20 DDK off each.

My import from the ERP will handle the “Discount_Vs_Products_Vs_Products_Attributes”, i just need a table to insert into.

First it should be made so it works front-end, then make a backend for it, one need to make these on the products, or anyone of its Attributes.


If more items share a Discount_Id, then the discount is given on all of them, and in case of bulk, if any 3 of them are in the cart, the discount is given too.,


Product A in discount_ID 1
Product A, Attribute 1 in discount_ID 1
Product B in discount_ID 2
Product C in discount_ID 1

Discount_Id 1 = (X = 3,Y=3,Z=20)

So if one buys 2 x A, and 1 X A, Attribute 1, they get 20 kr off.
If I buy 2xA and 1xB no discount
If I buy 1xA, 1xA attribute 1 and 1xC, they get 20 kr off

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