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featured products images dimension

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if you really want a perfect image quality and dimensions on the featured products you have to change the file:


For ex. I need images : 240 x 340 px so I have modified inside the images.inc.php :


function imageResize($sourceFile, $destFile, $destWidth = NULL, $destHeight = NULL, $fileType = 'jpg')
list($sourceWidth, $sourceHeight, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($sourceFile);
if (!$sourceWidth)
return false;
if ($destWidth == NULL) $destWidth = $sourceWidth;
if ($destHeight == NULL) $destHeight = $sourceHeight;

$sourceImage = createSrcImage($type, $sourceFile);

$widthDiff = $destWidth / $sourceWidth;
$heightDiff = $destHeight / $sourceHeight;

if ($widthDiff > 1 AND $heightDiff > 1)

$nextWidth = $sourceWidth;
$nextHeight = $sourceHeight;


if (intval(Configuration::get('PS_IMAGE_GENERATION_METHOD')) == 2 OR (intval(Configuration::get('PS_IMAGE_GENERATION_METHOD')) == 0 AND $widthDiff > $heightDiff))
$nextHeight = 360;
$nextWidth = 240;
$destWidth = 240;
$nextWidth = 240;
$nextHeight = 360;
$destHeight = 360;


$borderWidth = intval(($destWidth - $nextWidth) / 2);
$borderHeight = intval(($destHeight - $nextHeight) / 2);

$borderWidth = 1;
$borderHeight = 1;
$destImage = imagecreatetruecolor(240, 360);

$white = imagecolorallocate($destImage, 255, 255, 255);
imagefill($destImage, 0, 0, $white);

imagecopyresampled($destImage, $sourceImage, $borderWidth, $borderHeight, 0, 0, $nextWidth, $nextHeight, $sourceWidth, $sourceHeight);
imagecolortransparent($destImage, $white);
return (returnDestImage($fileType, $destImage, $destFile));


In this way I can have a perfect image 240x360 px.

So before import the images you have to be shure to create all the images at that resolution : 240x360 px.



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