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I am a completely new Prestashop user. Once each of you started his adventure with this store. I need to convince me of the appropriate editing direction. I would ask for your understanding.

PrestaShop ver.

Theme Adela

There is a screenshot in the attachment. 

First, I would like to delete the animation after hovering over the product. I hover the cursor and the picture changes. Secondly, I would like to remove the magnifying glass. Third, edit or delete the border with "NEW". Recent. How can I remove the search engine (second attachment).


Thank you in advance for your help and forbearance!






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I don't know the Acela theme but it is general problem that when you buy a theme you often need to spend a lot of time finding out how to delete things. My main tactic is right-clicking the element I want to delete or change in Chrome and then select "inspect". If I then look a few levels higher in the HTML hierarchy I see which module is responsible. I can then configure or uninstall that module.

Of course the theme may have a useful manual that can give you some directions too..

Edited by musicmaster (see edit history)
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