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combinations not work when there is more than 4 combinations

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and i got another problem with quantity
i set 20 in product info tab , and add 7 combinations in combinations tab
each combination has 1 quantity , then the product info tab shows 7 and add to cart button disapper from product page

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  • 1 month later...

Looks like the product generator option problem still has issues.
I had big problems - I had a shop with a few products about 20 or so. Each product had various options, size, colour, shape, text, colour combination etc. The problem was (and still is), you use the generator and it creates literally 100,000's of products each one for all the various combinations.
From your post it seems this issue has still not been addressed by the developers - thats fair enough - but I couldnt wait any longer so had to use something else instead. Good luck wih your shop

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  • 1 year later...

Okay- so this is actually a bit of a rant, and I realize that this comes almost 18 months after the last post, but - if you can believe this - 'The Problem Still Exists!'


And I ask you, what good is a combinations generator, 'designed to handle a large number of variables,' but which does not work if you have 'too many' variables (it's almost laughable).


So voodoo1967, if you happen to still be receiving alerts to your posts- would you mind sharing the alternative that you went with?

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